Stock Index CFD
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CFDsaverage spread取引時間MT4Leverage最小交易量最大交易量止损位Fee
1-5 times0.1500なし
DE40300月曜日~金曜日9:10~22:501-5 times0.1500なし
F40250月曜日~金曜日9:10~22:501-5 times0.1500なし
NE25200月曜日~金曜日9:10~22:501-5 times0.1500なし
SWI20470月曜日~金曜日9:10~22:501-5 times0.1500なし
EUSTX50350月曜日~金曜日9:00-23:001-5 times0.1500なし
1-5 times0.1500なし
JPN225150月曜日~金曜日1:05-23:551-5 times0.1500なし
NAS100300月曜日~金曜日1:00-24:001-5 times0.1500なし
SPA35100月曜日~金曜日10:05-20:551-5 times0.1500なし
UK100220月曜日~金曜日1:05-24:001-5 times0.1500なし
US3070月曜日~金曜日1:00-24:001-5 times0.1500なし
US50020月曜日~金曜日1:00-24:001-5 times0.1500なし
CFDs trading time

U.S. Daylight Saving Time: "2nd Sunday in March to 1st Sunday in November" is the summer time period.
米国冬時間: 日本時間 MT4+10
U.S Daylight Saving Time: Japan Time MT4 + 9

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What are CFDs?

CFDs are a combination of price fluctuations in stocks of multiple companies. It usually consists of stocks listed on the same exchange. Indexes are usually mentioned in the news to value a particular market or forex market. Index trading provides investors with a diverse portfolio. Investors can diversify their trading strategies with irrelevant trading tools, hedge existing stock market risks and understand the different opportunities offered by global stock markets.

Why trade CFDs?

CFDs are used to track the performance of securities listings. For example, when trading CFDs on a stock exchange consisting of multiple stocks, you basically have positions for multiple stocks at once. This is a more economical and less stressful way to diversify your investment portfolio across different sectors and trade on a list of stocks. Therefore, when trading CFDs, you do not need to analyze each company as it consists of several companies that provide a more accurate image of the economic status of a country. With this consideration, instead of trading stocks one by one, customers trade on a list of stocks through CFDs, diversify their exposure and hedge against unpredictable fluctuations caused by economic news updates. I will go.

Benefits of CFDs

Gain easy access to the market while trading CFDs on a stock index without having to waste time and money to find out anything inexperienced or complex with the abundance of information on the internet I can. Stock indexes are also a measure of market performance and the current market sentiment of each country, making it easier for traders to understand and follow whether the index responded well to economic news. The CFDs on the stock index can be traded with a margin as low as 1%, which means that you can trade a $ 10,000 position for $ 100. Find out the variety and benefits of our trading accounts.

The stock index market provides traders with exposure to the global market and allows them to profit from many investment opportunities. Stock index trading has higher volatility than other financial products. Trade UK 100, NASDAQ and Germany 40 on our award-winning MT4 trading platform for easy access to one of the most competitive trading environments.