Stock CFDs
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Trade world stocks at the lowest cost
With a commission of 0 yen, you can trade stock CFDs of the world's most famous companies such as Tesla, Amazon, Google and Apple. Why not aim for greater profits with high leverage?
Compatible with all automated trading tools and a wide variety of unique trading strategies
Stocksaverage spreadLeverageFee
AAPL103 pips1-5 times0
AMZN232 pips1-5 times0
BABA109 pips1-5 times0
BAC103 pips1-5 times0
BIDU109 pips1-5 times0
GOOGL213 pips1-5 times0
NFLX137 pips1-5 times0
TSLA153 pips1-5 times0
TWTR106 pips1-5 times0
FB103 pips1-5 times0
Stock trading time

米国夏時間: [3月の第2日曜日~11月の第1日曜日]がサマータイム適用期間です
米国冬時間: 日本時間 (月)午前23:30~(土)午前5:00
米国夏時間: 日本時間 (月)午前22:30~(土)午前5:00

Start trading in just 3 minutes
What is Stock Index CFD?

CFD trading provides a channel on the stock market where you can invest in large companies (like Amazon). Investors make transactions based on fluctuations in the stock price of a company, but do not hold relevant designated investment products as physical stock certificates. This is a positive aspect for CFD trading and has the role of protecting traders from negative factors such as corporate bankruptcy and collapse.

Benefits of Stock Index CFDs

S&P 500(US500)
S&P500(US500)株式市場指数は、1957年にアメリカの金融サービス会社 Standard&Poor’s Financial Services LLCによって導入されました。これは、 米国株式の主要な指標であり、最も頻繁に使用されるベンチマークの1つです。 米国の株式市場は全体として、資本化により米国の株式市場の約75%をカバーしています。

The ASX 200 (AUS200) Index is a market capitalization-weighted stock market index for stocks listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. The Australian Stock Exchange belongs to the top 15 exchange groups in the world with an average daily turnover of $ 4,685 million. This index contains only stocks listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

The Nikkei 225 (JP225) is the stock index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the world's third largest stock exchange with a market capitalization of US $ 4.09 trillion.

HIS (HK50), the Hang Seng Index, is a market capitalization-weighted stock market that has been used to record the daily changes of the 50 largest companies in Asia (and 6th in the world) since 1969. It is an index. The largest stock exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx).

FTSE 100(UK100)
The FTSE 100 (UK100) Stock Index stands for Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index and covers the 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization.

NASDAQ 100(US100)
The leading NASDAQ index is the NASDAQ Composite, a subset of which is the NASDAQ 100 (US100), which consists of 107 stock securities issued by the 107 most powerful non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. increase.

DJIA (US30) is the second oldest stock market index in the United States after the Dow Jones Industrial Average, showing the performance of 30 major US companies during standard trading sessions on the stock market. This is calculated by dividing the sum of all prices of all 30 stocks it represents by the DJIA divisor.

DAX (GER30), which stands for Deutscher Aktienindex, is Germany's major stock index representing the 30 major companies traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is considered to be an excellent stock in terms of quality and profitability.

CAC 40(FRA40)
The French Benchmark Stock Market Index CAC 40 (FRA40) stands for Cotation Assistéeen Continu and represents the top 40 stocks of the 100 highest market capitalization traded in the French stock market Euronext Paris. .. The second largest exchange in Europe.